About Me

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I am a physically down-to-earth, mentally-wide-open person with a fascination for Science Fiction writing. I have written stories from the time I was old enough to know how to write backwards letters, and have had quite a few interesting adventures come of them. I do enjoy a good adventure, be it in words or in reality - they both make me a little giddy. I am prone to random road trips, sudden disappearances, jumping before looking...that kind of thing. I have written a few stories that I keep on Fanfiction.net, and a fellow author from there guided me here - my steps from now on are inspired by her, and you forever have my gratitude Kyndra Hatch ~ much love my friend!



So, as part of my previously stated list of goals was to go back and to review some of my older writing to see if I could pin my style; get a better idea what format of writing works best for me. My conclusion? No two stories are written the same.
Okay, I know that there are two general responses to that:
1) of course not, because no two stories can be told the same.
2) you have several short stories that are written in the same way.
True on both accounts, as I see it anyway, but not what I really mean.
What I was looking for is that one thing that you can pick out about an author that you know will always be there. I guess it's hard to explain because it can be as simple as a style of punctuating, or as far as a certain air about the story it's self. Maybe I don't see mine because I'm the one writing it. I'm not sure.
However, I did make a list of some of the things that I do tend to gravitate towards when writing, and where some of my weaknesses lay. I like to write about pain and strife - and not always with some ideal happy ending attached to it - and I lack in the areas of humor and fluff (the softer side of romance). So, what do I intend to do about this? Several oneshots that try to focus solely on these weaker points, and try to avoid the gravitational pull of my habitual areas. It's not that I want to remove the pain and strife from my writing - much the opposite, I embrace what I know and how I believe life to be; there is always some level of angst to every life - but to set it aside for a bit to work the muscles of my weaker genres. Make sense?
At any rate, this is my new focus for the next several weeks. My first project will be in Transformers fan fiction since that is what I'm currently enraptured by. One step at a time, lady. One step at a time...


Tentative steps...

So forward I go. I set myself down to start a goal profess chart for myself. It will consist of steps I wish to have accomplished by what time to get me moving in the right direction. Now...if only I would finish it...LOL!
No, in reality I have made good progress so far. I have chosen the story I wish to focus on and the basic issues that I have with the plot line that have tobe worked out. It is one of my fictions that I have already written on quite a bit, oso in theory it wont be a whole lot of work together it somewhere near standing. All in all there is a long way between where it is now and submitting it to be published, but I feel pretty confident tht it won't take long in the grand scheme of it.
Well, that is all I wanted to say today.
Good luck; moving on!


Hello Blog World!

So, with advice from a friend I have come here to blog my progress in my attempts at becoming a published author.
I'm not always the best at blogging, but I will do my best to keep up with what progress I do make.  I am prepared to dive in head first and throw my all at the wall to get my name out there and publish some works, so this should be an interesting adventure, don't you think?  Join me, will you?
Currently I have my whole focus on a fanfiction that I have been writing for almost two years now, it is coming to an end now, so I can turn my attentions to progress.  There is some talk of taking that story from the fandom it was written in, and turning it into it's own verse - good talk, I might add.  It's a good idea, and I think it could go somewhere.  We shall see, we shall see.
At any rate!  Let me tell you a bit about myself to get going.  It will be nice to be able to come back to this some years down the line and see where I started:
I have a few poems published out there, but overall, I have not yet succeeded in breaching the written world.  Currently I am a mechanic - and I do LOVE my job.  Probably more than I should.  There's just something about working on cars that is very zen.  I do have a pet project in which has been dubbed 'Nightburst'.  It's an old mustang that refuses to work for anyone...of current a new engine is being put into the beast.
I am also a returning student.  I'm going for my Associates in Applied Science.  I should have it within a year or so, which will make my world much easier.
I am a wife, and a mother of a rambunctious two year old - I bet you can imagine how life has gotten interesting since her second birthday.
I have several animals, though I tend to sympathize with the feline breed most of all.  I have a heart for the dogs, and birds, and horses, and mice, and rats, and all the other little critters out there.
I have many brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, and fathers in my life.  Extended family mostly, but family none the less to me.  Just because there is no blood between us does not make them any less kin to me.
I have tattoos.  I have ear piercings.   I do tend to have a rather unique view on things around me. 
I tell you all of this because this is where I draw my inspiration and drive from.  I get ideas from being around these things, notions, people, creatures that greatly influences my writing and I thought it might be nice to note that.
My writing tends to be dark, but I do have moments of good humor and love as well.  I believe that in life, no one can make it from beginning to end without some form of tragedy, and the same goes for a good story.
I have heard much of 'Merry Sue' and the male equivalent, but while I do understand the concept, I don't understand the totality of it.  I have been told both that my characters are, and are not, of this design and I don't really know what makes a person think one way or the other.  So, suffice it to say that I will write my characters as I see them in my mind, and that will likely be the end of it.  I am not opposed to constructive criticism, and yes, I will change as I learn - you cannot become better if you are unwilling to change - but I will not try to cater to everyone simply because a name such as 'Merry Sue' is thrown at my character.  Okay?  Fair?  Good.
Well, I believe I will end this particular entry here.  Lets see where this takes me!